Office Phone: 519 837-0387
Camp Phone (July/Aug): 226-343-7246 (226-343-RAIN)
Camp Address - 275 Scottsdale Drive (July - August)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How will Rainbow determine if my camper needs an Inclusion Counsellor?
A: The general rule is if your child requires an EA in a school setting, Rainbow will recommend that your child be matched with an Inclusion Counsellor. If you are unsure if your child needs support at camp, or if you think your camper might need “occasional extra support”, the Administrator can help make that decision with you. If support is needed, the Camp Director will meet families prior to the first day of camp and will select and assign a qualified staff to support your child or Teen.
Q: I would like to register my camper or Teen for more than 1 week of camp. What are my options?
A: Families would have 2 options:
1. Families could also contact The Supporting Kids in Camp Project which works in collaboration with Rainbow’s policies and philosophies to ensure successful recreational experiences for all campers. There is no cost for this service – campers can be matched with a worker for a maximum of one session per summer. Please check directly with SKIC about eligibility for support.
2. Another option for families would be to send a Private Contract Worker to camp with the child. The cost for this worker is the responsibility of the families and are in addition to camp fees.
Q: My camper has medically fragile and technologically dependent needs. How can Rainbow ensure my camper is provided with a successful camp experience?
A: Rainbow’s Inclusion Counsellors are not certified to administer personal care for individuals with MFTD (medically fragile and technologically dependent) needs. Counsellors cannot conduct control care acts (ie. clean or replace tracheotomy and G-tubes; delivering foods or medications via tube or intravenous). Families who need this type of support may be able to send their own private worker with their camper or Teen. For more information, please refer to Private Contract Workers or contact the Administrator.
Q: My camper and his worker are different genders. How will it work to change for the pool?
A: Rainbow Inclusion Counsellors, Supporting Kids in Camp workers, and Private Contract workers have access to a co-ed change room at the pool. The team works together to ensure everyone gets changed safely and comfortably.
For information regarding how Rainbow supports campers with special needs, please contact the Administrator