Office Phone: 519 837-0387
Camp Phone (July/Aug): 226-343-7246 (226-343-RAIN)
Camp Address - 275 Scottsdale Drive (July - August)
Private Contract Workers
Families may be able to send privately paid Contract Workers with their child to camp. To ensure that your Contract Worker feels welcome and understands the operations of Rainbow, please have them review the Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures for Private Contract Workers, and complete and return the PCW Letter of Agreement to Rainbow prior to participation in the program.
Rainbow may limit the number of Private Contract Workers each camp session in order to maintain our inclusion ratio in accordance with our Mission Statement and Policies.
Responsibilities of Private Contract Workers
Private Contract Workers agree to read and adhere to the Policies and Procedures for Private Contract Workers
PCWs must provide a clear VS police check to the Camp Director prior to starting at camp
PCWs must report to the Camp Director when they arrive at camp on the first day. The Camp Director will have some paperwork for the worker to sign.
Contracts are binding between families and PCW; therefore Rainbow does not provide remuneration for work completed.
PCWs do not receive a camp staff t-shirt or keys to the facilities.
Private Contract Workers need to be 18 years old and older when camp begins
Rainbow’s Expectations of the Private Contract Workers
Private Contract Workers must participate in the swimming program every day.
The PCW is expected to provide a positive camp experience for an individual child with special needs by:
Ensuring Inclusion of his/her camper in all activities
Facilitating interaction with other campers
Integrating the camper into the main activities of a typical camp day
Providing one-to-one activities, when appropriate
Being responsible for the care and supervision of his/her camper from arrival to departure
Maintaining all information received regarding his/her camper in strict confidence
In conjunction with the Camp Director, handling concerns raised by families regarding their child and their camp experience
Private Contract Workers need to be 18 years old and older when camp begins
What Private Contract Workers can expect from Rainbow
The staff at Rainbow want to ensure everyone at camp has a positive experience. Private Contract Workers are encouraged to contact the Camp Director (226-343-7246) before coming to camp to go over camp operations and to answer any questions.
If a PCW needs to use the washroom or needs a short break during the day, Rainbow staff is available to provide support. The Assistant Camp Director is responsible for all the programming at Rainbow – PCWs are welcome to contact the ACD to get ideas for alternative programming or if different supplies/equipment are needed.
Private Contract Workers are employed by the families but Rainbow staff is always available to help and provide support – everyone’s goal is a happy camper!